
The starting point.


Get to know who I am.


Showcase of my professional work.


Fun space where my hobbies reside.

The website is online now!

Written by roaming97

Originally written: August 19, 2018

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ℹ️ NOTE: This is a legacy post, it has been partially rewritten to improve clarity as well as to fix grammatical and syntactic errors from the original. This article does not represent my current views or opinions today.

Hello there! It’s pretty nice to finally release my own website, a space where I can do pretty much whatever I want, instead of trying to fit in the YouTube system which keeps getting worse by the day.

In the face of the internet’s independent video streaming platforms, like the recently closed vid.me, I wanted to make this space for myself and completely myself. Obviously other people may enter this website to watch/read/download my content, but I want to keep this as my main gateway to publish my material.

This website was made from scratch with Notepad++, I definitely wasn’t that comfortable on making it in an existing website builder like Wix or Squarespace, they would just not meet my needs. This site was made as being all-in-one thing where I post updates, upload my videos, etc. without the need to make more social media, just keeping it all in the same place.

Anyway, I’ll keep updating within the next couple of days…