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End Of Month article (Sep 2018)

Written by roaming97

Originally written: October 4, 2018

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ℹ️ NOTE: This is a legacy post, it has been partially rewritten to improve clarity as well as to fix grammatical and syntactic errors from the original. This article does not represent my current views or opinions today.

I’ve been pretty much dead these past couple of months due to the reasons I have mentioned before taking up time of my life. I’ll still try to write something in this space, though.

Progress on the videos that have been in the making has been made during the past month before ultimately putting them on hold. I predict I will be available by November-December once I’m on holiday vacation to be able to finish those videos as well as adding other features to this site while still keeping it minimal. Just me posting my material without anything in the way. It’s not that I’m mad about lacking free time, but I don’t want to leave this site completely abandoned and forget about it either, I want to make the best out of my money.

I’m planning to post something special hopefully soon, so stay tuned.