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End Of Month article (Aug 2018)

Written by roaming97

Originally written: August 31, 2018

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ℹ️ NOTE: This is a legacy post, it has been partially rewritten to improve clarity as well as to fix grammatical and syntactic errors from the original. This article does not represent my current views or opinions today.

It has been an interesting month, and by that I mean uneventful.

I started high school this month, so it left me with pretty much no free time to work on my stuff. I have additionally been looking for jobs nearby so I am able to earn some bucks during any semester break I get. I’ve had so little free time in fact that I rushed this entire website (version 1) in just a weekend, and I believe I will continue to have to rush projects if I am to finish them given this stern schedule.

Additional context

Back in 2018 I used to identify my videos by numbers so I and whoever watched my content could know which one I was talking about as they sometimes had recherché titles making them hard to distinguish.

I began making the 4th video earlier this month, maybe even in late July… I can’t remember, but it’s not finished yet. As such, I’m expecting to finish it by October and upload it here some days before uploading it to YouTube, here’s a one-frame preview:

(preview goes here)

Of course, another important event for me this month was the hosting of this website, roaming97.com. I’ve wanted to do this for so long (since about late 2017) but never really took the time to put into practice my web development knowledge, so HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I’m still glad it’s done, though.

Besides that, I’m working on a special project that I might give details of soon. Although that’s pretty much I have to say for this month, I’ll keep updating here within the next couple days as always, if I got the time that is.